Rendered Duck Fat

Canards Du Lac Brome

Rendered Duck Fat

Duck fat has a delicate flavour and is the healthy alternative to butter, adding its distinctive, delicate flavour to all your favourite dishes.

This product is available at

Adonis, Bonichoix, IGA, IGA Extra, Maxi, Maxi & Cie, Marchés Tradition, Metro, Metro Plus, Pasquier, Provigo, Provigo le Marché, Rachelle-Béry, Super C, Walmart, Boutique Canards du Lac Brome, Hospitality, Restaurant, Institutional (HRI)

Available formats

300 g, 800 g, 4,5 kg, 4,5 kg

Canards du Lac Brome Ltée
Canards du Lac Brome Ltée

40, chemin du Centre, C. P. 3430 Knowlton, Quebec J0E 1V0 (450) 242-3825