Good to know
Our best tips to freeze fruits & veggies
Fall is the perfect season to fill up the freezer with our favorite foods. In addition to buying from local producers, you’ll be saving money too in the months to come.
Stock up on supplies
In October we have plenty of local foods being harvested. Carrots, apples, squash, onions, turnips, leeks, potatoes, beetroot; we have a vast selection of veggies in Quebec. Moreover, supermarkets will be offering a very price at this time in year.
Plastic bag or container?
It all depends on the size of your freezer! For the lucky ones with an extra-large freezer, you can choose the option you prefer. With a smaller freezer, you don’t have many options and probably will have to use some freezer plastic bags. In both cases, the most important part of the process is “airtight”. You must prevent cold air from damaging food, frostbites and that u unpleasant “freezer” taste.

Blanching veggies, is it really necessary?
Although this step might seem of minor importance, it’s essential to ensure freshness and preserve nutrients. To blanch doesn’t mean to cook entirely. Put the vegetables in boiling water for 2 to 3 minutes and rinse with cold water. For a few veggies, it’s not necessary to go through this step beforehand, like onions, squash and potatoes.
Our best tip
The cookie sheet is your best ally when you want to freeze berries or pre-cut vegetables. First, spread the fruits or vegetables on the pan and place in the freezer. When frozen, transfer to an airtight freezer plastic bag. You’ll be avoiding food from icing up in a huge cube!