Vitamin C: Myths and Virtues

We often hear about the benefits of vitamin C, but what do we really know about the properties of this “popular” vitamin? First of all, it’s important to understand that vitamins are classified according to a simple standard: their solubility, which is the way they dissolve, either in water or in lipids (fats).

Daily intake for Vitamin C

Vitamins soluble in fats, like vitamins A and D, are called "fat-soluble" and can be "stored" in the body to make some reserves. Water-soluble vitamins, like vitamin C, are called "water-soluble". This type of vitamin cannot be "stored" in the body. It’s important to consume the latter take it on a daily basis, because any extra the “extra” water-soluble vitamin consumed will be rejected by your the body, especially in the urine.

What should you eat?

It goes without saying that citrus fruits are known for their high vitamin C content, but many local foods from Quebec can also help to meet vitamin C needs. An important part can be taken in fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, wild berries, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, snow peas, etc. With a healthy diet, most people consume enough vitamin C, without the addition of supplements in their diet

A cold remedy?

Finally, is it true that vitamin C is a good remedy for colds? It does play an important role in the growth and repair of bones, teeth, skin and tissues, as well as preventing infections by boosting the immune system. However, no study shows that a large intake of vitamin C will help cure a cold. On the contrary, if a person takes too much vitamin C, it may lead to gastrointestinal problems.


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