Black garlic

Ail en noir et blanc

Black garlic

What is Black Garlic? Black garlic is regular white garlic that has gone through an aging process, in a controlled low-heat, high humidity environment. It is the aging time that determines the aromas and texture of black garlic, the result of a slow caramelization process called the Maillard reaction. The taste is sweet and syrupy with hints of balsamic vinegar, stewed fruits, prunes, soya sauce, licorice and even chocolate and roasted coffee. A real candy! And black garlic is rich in umami flavour, the famous fifth taste that makes food so delicious.

This product is available at

IGA, Les Minettes Épicerie les petites Bonneville Fruiterie Chez Louis Le véritable agneau IGA famille Jodoin Chez Piko Boutique Brovin Fromagerie Nouvelle France Cidrerie Milton

Available format

100 g

Ail en noir et blanc
Ail en noir et blanc

741 rang de la presqu’île Saint-Pie, Quebec J0H 1W0 (438) 880-0438