Rhubarb, strawberry & apple

Duhaime Nature

Rhubarb, strawberry & apple

Natural fruits spread made with 85% fruits and sweetened only with 15% maple syrup. Only 2-3 gr of natural sugar. No preservatine, no color added. Gluten free. ''SIAL Innovation Selection 2022''

This product is available at

Adonis, Avril – supermarché santé, IGA, IGA Extra, Metro, Metro Plus, Pasquier, Provigo, Provigo le Marché, Rachelle-Béry, Sobeys, Magasins d'aliments naturels, Boutique Santé et sans gluten, etc

Available format

200 mL

Duhaime Gourmet (9285-4983 Qc Inc)
Duhaime Gourmet (9285-4983 Qc Inc)

405, route 239 St-Germain-de-Grantham, Quebec J0C 1K0 (819) 395-2433 ext: 226