Superfood Dog Bites • Omega-3 & smoked banana

Pattes Vertes inc.

Superfood Dog Bites • Omega-3 & smoked banana

The Moringa food supplement box contains 30 bites to provide your dog with a wide variety of nutrients and vitamins every day for a month. Our products are formulated with veterinary nutritionist and based on science with the help the Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods and National Research Council Canada. BENEFITS FOR YOUR DOG : - Improves oral health - Helps joint health - Promotes a strong immune system - Contributes to healthy coat and skin Green Paws multi-purpose treats are made with organic Moringa. These vegetarian, eco-friendly food supplements will perfectly complement your furry friend’s diet. Moringa is a superfood high in protein and amino acids, and these treats are an excellent source of vitamins, marine sourced omega-3s and protein. Their smoky banana flavour (yes, they smell like bacon) will delight your dog. 100% natural formula / Oven baked / Hypoallergenic protein / Free of artificial colours Our food’s main ingredient, Moringa, is renowned for being the king of superfoods when it comes to canine health. Moringa is commonly referred to as the miracle tree. It is a powerful antioxidant that contains up to 40% protein and all 9 amino acids essential for your dog's health. Moringa contains : - 9x more protein than yogurt - 17x more calcium than milk - 25x more iron than spinach - 12x more vitamin C than oranges Green Paws have won the "Dog Food Organic Product of the Year" price at the Pet Innovation Awards 2021-2022-2023.

This product is available at

IGA, La distribution en IGA débute à l'automne 2023

Available format

200 g

Green Paws inc
Green Paws inc

250M Boulevard Wilfrid-Hamel Quebec, Quebec G1L 5A7 (581) 986-8431